lunes, 15 de diciembre de 2014
domingo, 14 de diciembre de 2014
viernes, 12 de diciembre de 2014
jueves, 11 de diciembre de 2014
martes, 9 de diciembre de 2014
Write a Story
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La historia es interesante, tiene sentido, está bien secuenciada y tiene más de una variación sobre el original.
La historia tiene sentido, está bien secuenciada y tiene una variación sobre el original.
La historia tiene sentido, y tiene una variación sobre el original.
La historia no tiene sentido no tiene ninguna variación sobre el original.
Presentación en Impress.
Usa diferentes tipos y tamaños de letra que hacen el texto más atractivo y fácil de seguir y las ilustraciones ayudan a comprender la historia.
Usa diferentes tipos y tamaños de letra y las ilustraciones ayudan a comprender la historia.
Usa diferentes tipos o tamaños de letra y las ilustraciones no llevan a confusión.
Usa sólo un tipo y tamaño de letra y las ilustraciones llevan a confusión.
Gramática y vocabulario.
No hay errores de gramática y el vocabulario empleado es rico y adecuado.
Casi no hay errores de gramática y el vocabulario empleado es rico y adecuado.
Hay errores de gramática y el vocabulario empleado es adecuado.
Hay errores de gramática y el vocabulario empleado no es rico ni adecuado.
Presentación oral.
No lee el texto. Pronuncia correctamente y habla con fluidez.
Casi no lee el texto. Pronuncia correctamente y habla con fluidez.
Lee la mayor parte del texto. Pronuncia incorrectamente o con falta de fluidez.
Lee el texto. Pronuncia incorrectamente y con falta de fluidez.
Uso del tiempo
Está siempre centrada/o en la tarea. Se ofrece a ayudar a las compañeras/os cuando termina la tarea.
Está siempre centrada/o en la tarea. Ayuda a las compañeras/os cuando termina la tarea y la profesora se lo pide.
Está casi siempre centrada/o en la tarea. Ayuda a las compañeras/os cuando termina la tarea y la profesora se lo pide.
No está centrada/o en la tarea. No ayuda a las compañeras/os.
We Are All Born Free
Watch the presentation and decide which slide you like best. Explain why you have chosen it.
lunes, 8 de diciembre de 2014
domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2014
The Golden Bird
Read and complete.
The Golden Bird. Another version.
The Golden Bird. Fran and David.
1. Once upon a time______________________lived in _______________with a _______________________tree.The king was _________________but one day he noticed that___________.
2. _______________________decided to watch _______________to find out who was stealing___________________________.
3. But the prince fell asleep as soon as ______________.
4. The next night______________________the apple tree and he saw______________________.The bird ________________from the tree.
5. When the family knew , the older__________________in search of__________________.
6. But many days_____________________________and the younger ______________decided to _________________________.
7. And the young prince_______________
8. He found ______________________________and the bird was__________________.
9. The king that ruled the garden didn’t want to give him ___________________.He proposed to exchange the bird for_____________________ .So the young prince decided to go________________________________________.
10. The prince came to________________________.
11. The forest was_________________________________and the horse was_________________________.
12. But the___________________that ruled the ____________did´nt want to _____________________________. But he _________________to give it to him in exchange for the golden _____________.
13. And the young _________________________________________a new kingdom.
14. There were____________________________________but he found________________________.
15. The prince could not ask the ____________________to leave her__________.
16. Then the princess came to him and she proposed to _________________________________
17. The prince and the princess came to _________________ where the king waited with _______________________. the prince was very __________________but the princess urged him to continue his ________________________.
18. The prince and the horse got to the kingdom with____________and there the prince got the ____________________ in exchange for the golden horse.
19. The prince and the golden bird were on their way to the prince home when they heard___________________________. It was the golden _________________ . She was riding the golden ________!!
20. The prince, the__________, the golden________________and the golden _____________returned home. The king was very happy and he shared his golden ___________________with them .
The Golden Bird. Another version.
The Golden Bird. Fran and David.
Translate the following words into English:
Princesa dourada
Mazá dourada
Paxaro dourado
cabalo dourado
Now write the names of the people, things, vegetables or animals you can see in each slide:
Slide 1: King , garden, apple tree
Slide 2
St George and the Dragon
St George and the Dragon
Follow the link, click on Story Time and choose the story about St George and the Dragon.
St George and the Dragon
Follow the link, click on Story Time and choose the story about St George and the Dragon.
What to write in a Christmas Card
lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2014
Touch Rugby
Touch Rugby
1. Watch the video and answer the questions:
1.How many players are there on each team?
2. Tick the names of the players that you heard.
-Middle players
3. How do the games start?
4. Where do you have to score?
-In the try zone.
-Over the out lines.
5.What do you have to do if a player from the other team touches you?
-Pass the ball to another player in your team.
-Put the ball down and step over it.
-Drop the ball.
6.Who is the dummy half?
7. Answer TRUE or FALSE.
The dummy half can´t be touched.
The dummy half can score.
8. What happens if the dummy half is touched?
9. How many touches does the offending team get to score?
10 When does a turnover happen? You can tick more than one answer.
-When the dummy half is touched.
-If the player fumbles.
-If the player runs out of bounds.
-If the offending team doesn´t score in six touches.
11 What happens after every penalty?
12. How far must the defence get back during a penalty? Tick one.
-5 meters
-10 meters
13. What can you not do?
1. Watch the video and answer the questions:
1.How many players are there on each team?
2. Tick the names of the players that you heard.
-Middle players
3. How do the games start?
4. Where do you have to score?
-In the try zone.
-Over the out lines.
5.What do you have to do if a player from the other team touches you?
-Pass the ball to another player in your team.
-Put the ball down and step over it.
-Drop the ball.
6.Who is the dummy half?
7. Answer TRUE or FALSE.
The dummy half can´t be touched.
The dummy half can score.
8. What happens if the dummy half is touched?
9. How many touches does the offending team get to score?
10 When does a turnover happen? You can tick more than one answer.
-When the dummy half is touched.
-If the player fumbles.
-If the player runs out of bounds.
-If the offending team doesn´t score in six touches.
11 What happens after every penalty?
12. How far must the defence get back during a penalty? Tick one.
-5 meters
-10 meters
13. What can you not do?
martes, 28 de octubre de 2014
Are you a Witch?
Now write about you .Explain why you think you are( or are not) a witch, a sorcerer or a werewolf.
lunes, 13 de octubre de 2014
Answer the
following questions:
- When the northern part of Scotland crashed into the rest, what did the prehistoric monsters do?
- What is the meaning of Loch na Beiste?
- How deep is Loch Ness?
- What did the monks write about?
- What is the name of the castle that is beside the loch?
- What happened in 1933?
- Who saw her?
- Why was it the end of Nessie´s peaceful time?
- What did the hunter do with a hippo leg?
- Who took a picture of Nessie?
the following sentences:
- Two boys were fishing in the lake when they saw___________________
- Some people filmed the monster, but when zoologists saw it they thought it was_______________________
- Many people have tried to find Nessie. They used a boat, a submarine_____________________________________________________
- But nobody could_________________________________________
viernes, 19 de septiembre de 2014
SWITCH 1 Scavenger Hunt
SWITCH 1 Scavenger Hunt
We are
going to go on a scavenger hunt, finding various bits of information in your
new book. You will need to record the page number and do the activities below:
- Mozart There is a picture of Mozart in page 97.
- a boy eating a hamburger.
- Some people playing capoeira.
- Prince William and Prince Harry.
2. Complete the following sentences:
- Maroon 5 are a rock group from___________________
- Ice hockey is the most popular sport in_____________
- The Beatles were _________________________________from LLiverpool
- Notting Hill is_________________of West London.
3. Write
- 5 words for sports
- 5 words for parts of your face.
- 5 words for lunch and dinner foods
- 5 prepositions of place
martes, 16 de septiembre de 2014
Watch the video and write the following people´s descriptions:
Tony. Tony is
intelligent , easy –going and handsome .
Her boy friend
David and Anathea
Tyler´s girlfriend
María and Sara
Marina´s husband
Mark and Nicole
Watch the video. Answer the questions and complete the chart.
How many brothers and sisters has she got?
How many brothers and sisters has she got?
How many aunts
and uncles?
How many of
them are coming over?
He´s a doctor
He likes classical
Her aunt
She is divorced and
she has no kids.
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