domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2014

The Golden Bird

Read and complete.


1.     Once upon a time______________________lived in _______________with a _______________________tree.The king was _________________but one day he noticed that___________.

2.     _______________________decided to watch _______________to find out who was stealing___________________________.

3.     But the prince fell asleep as soon as ______________.

4.     The next night______________________the apple tree and he saw______________________.The bird ________________from the tree.

5.     When the family knew , the older__________________in search of__________________.

6.     But many days_____________________________and the younger ______________decided to _________________________.

7.      And the young prince_______________

8.     He found ______________________________and the bird was__________________.

9.     The king that ruled the garden didn’t want to give him ___________________.He proposed to exchange the bird for_____________________ .So the young prince decided to go________________________________________.

10. The prince came to________________________.

11. The forest was_________________________________and the horse was_________________________.

12. But the___________________that ruled the ____________did´nt want to _____________________________. But he _________________to give it to him in exchange for the golden _____________.

13. And the young _________________________________________a new kingdom.

14. There were____________________________________but he found________________________.

15. The prince could not ask the ____________________to leave her__________.

16. Then the princess came to him and she proposed to _________________________________

17.     The prince and the princess came to _________________ where the king waited with _______________________. the prince was very __________________but the princess urged him to continue his  ________________________.

18.     The prince and the horse got to the kingdom with____________and there the prince got the ____________________ in exchange for the golden horse.

19.     The prince and the golden bird were on their way to the prince home when they heard___________________________. It was the golden _________________ . She was riding the golden ________!!

20.     The prince, the__________, the golden________________and the golden _____________returned home. The king was very happy and he shared his golden ___________________with them .

The Golden Bird. Another version.

The Golden Bird. Fran and David.

Translate the following words into English:
Princesa dourada
Mazá dourada
Paxaro dourado
cabalo dourado

Now write the names of the people, things, vegetables or animals you can see in each slide:
Slide 1: King , garden,  apple tree
Slide 2

St George and the Dragon

St George and the Dragon
Follow the link, click on Story Time and choose the story about St George and the Dragon.

What to write in a Christmas Card

Easy Christmas cards

Christmas Cards Videos

lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2014

Touch Rugby

Touch Rugby

1. Watch the video and answer the questions:

1.How many players are there on each team?
2. Tick the names of the players that you heard.
-Middle players
3. How do the games start?
4. Where do you have to score?
-In the try zone.
-Over the out lines.
5.What do you have to do if a player from the other team touches you?
-Pass the ball to another player in your team.
-Put the ball down and step over it.
-Drop the ball.
6.Who is the dummy half?
7. Answer TRUE or FALSE.
The dummy half can´t be touched.
The dummy half can score.
8. What happens if the dummy half is touched?
9. How many touches does the offending team get to score?
10 When does a turnover happen? You can tick more than one answer.
-When the dummy half is touched.
-If the player fumbles.
-If the player runs out of bounds.
-If the offending team doesn´t score in six touches.
11 What happens after every penalty?
12. How far must the defence get back during a penalty? Tick one.
-5 meters
-10 meters
13. What can you not do?